Safety Tips for Net Banking

  • Access CSB Net Banking site directly or through CSB website only.
  • The URL on the address bar of your browser should begin with "https".
  • Verify the security certificate by clicking on the padlock symbol in the status bar
  • Do not access online banking application on shared computers and from public places like cafes, libraries etc.
  • Use the Virtual Keypad for enhanced security to enter your net banking passwords.
  • After completing any online transaction, always log out from the Net Banking session and close your browser.
  • Install necessary firewall and anti-virus software and keep it updated to detect malicious software.
  • Keep your Operating System, Anti-virus, browsers, Java & other software up to date.
  • We request you to do full virus scan before using online banking service if you suspect your computer is affected
  • If you suspect fraudulent activities in your account, contact our Phone banking team immediately.
  • If the PIN mailer is tampered with or if the passwords in the mailer are not legible, please inform CSB Phone Banking immediately. Do not try to login.
  • Please change your passwords periodically. Make your password very strong. Do not write down your passwords.
  • Do not use your DOB, name, mobile number or other easily available information as your password. Choose strong alpha numeric passwords.
  • Memorise and Maintain secrecy of your credentials.
  • Login & Transaction passwords should not be same.
  • Avoid using the same password on different websites
  • CSB Bank will never request for your passwords or any personal information on emails or pop-ups